Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Character Design

Grade 4 and 5 students were working on a Monster Unit in BCC art studio. First class in this unit, they played an "exquisite corpse" game to create very interesting and strange looking monsters. "Exquisite Corpse" game is a collaboration drawing of three people. It is a method by which a collection of images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds drawing of head, body, or leg part of a creature in sequence. This helped their brain be more creative when creating their own creature.


After finishing their creature drawing, they transferred the drawing onto a black construction paper. 
Before they colored the drawing, they did a color study using oil pastel, exploring gradation, and cross hatching two colors. They used the color study knowledge to design their creatures.

Here are the finished work by Grade 4 and 5.
Every creature has interesting features that make all of them so unique!

Students also made up a story about their characters and we shared them together. It was so much fun hearing all the stories.