Saturday, April 7, 2012

Art Show

Surreal Eyes
Each student created a drawing of an eye inspired by Surrealist painter, RenĂ© Magritte. The image expressed things that are meaningful to them based on the saying, "the eye is the window to the soul”. Students also created collages — one with eye images and another with images that represent themselves.

Creative Hairdo
This project gave students the opportunity to transform their appearance by creating a unique hair style, hat or mask using paper. They explored a range of collage techniques, such as, cutting, folding, ripping, crumpling and overlapping paper. Some students decided to make their hair pop off the page to achieve a three-dimensional effect.

Collaboration Mural
Students in grade 4 to 7 assembled the forest and under the ground scenes. Younger artists in kindergarten to grade 3 worked on coloring the accents for the environment - rows of flowers, insects and animals that inhabit the land. A special contribution came from grade 2B, grade 5 and grade 7 who helped to put the finishing touches to our school mural.