Sunday, April 29, 2012

Monster Portrait

Grade 2 students created a monster portrait. We looked at "Monster Inc" movie characters and discussed what makes each character so unique. Based on the discussion, second graders created their own monster characters. First, they outlined the monster drawing and colored background with a black or dark navy oil pastel. They used watercolor pencils to color the monster and learned water-resist technique.  Everyone did amazing job creating unique and strange looking monsters!

Monster characters

First grader's monster portraits. They used oil pastel and watercolor to study water-resist technique. After finishing this project, they shared their characters to each other. Interesting looking characters!

Mehndi Design

Grade 7 students learned "Mehndi Design", which is the application of henna as a temporary form of skin decoration in India. They traced their hands in interesting composition and are in process of designing their own Mehndi patterns. Everyone shows a lot of effort adding details on the pattern design. Some of them are already finished with the design and the background. I will be posting their finished work soon!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Art Show

Surreal Eyes
Each student created a drawing of an eye inspired by Surrealist painter, RenĂ© Magritte. The image expressed things that are meaningful to them based on the saying, "the eye is the window to the soul”. Students also created collages — one with eye images and another with images that represent themselves.

Creative Hairdo
This project gave students the opportunity to transform their appearance by creating a unique hair style, hat or mask using paper. They explored a range of collage techniques, such as, cutting, folding, ripping, crumpling and overlapping paper. Some students decided to make their hair pop off the page to achieve a three-dimensional effect.

Collaboration Mural
Students in grade 4 to 7 assembled the forest and under the ground scenes. Younger artists in kindergarten to grade 3 worked on coloring the accents for the environment - rows of flowers, insects and animals that inhabit the land. A special contribution came from grade 2B, grade 5 and grade 7 who helped to put the finishing touches to our school mural.

Animal Collage

 Their finished pieces are displayed outside the art studio. Awesome work second graders! 

Animal Collage

For this project, students created painted textured paper using bubble wraps for the collage.

In the following class, students used interesting textured paper that they have created to work on the animal collage. They looked at one of Eric Carle's illustration book, "Very Hungry Caterpillar" and discussed how he used interesting textures in different shapes to create animal images.

After creating animal collage, they created background for their animals to live in. Few examples of the finished work by Grade 2B class. Amazing artwork!