Sunday, August 12, 2012

Claymation / Stop-Motion Animation

Claymation is an animation technique used with clay figures. The students first created a story board and then built their clay models.

After creating the clay figures, they started snapping photos! They took lots of shots and tried their best to make the figure movement smooth.

Claymation / stop-motion animation lesson teach patience, attention to detail, photography and communication skills. Creating a movie from a lot of hard work is rewarding as well!
Check out this final animation created by grade 5 and 6 studensts.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Grade 7 & 8 - Witty Subway Map Art

Students created this art piece inspired by Canadian artist, Ingrid Dabringer, who creates beautiful hand-painted maps. Students transformed the map into a new scene and created a new story by turning the New York City transit guide around.

Grade 1 & 2 - Under the Ocean

First and second graders watched a "Hooray for Fish" video by Lucy Cousins. They loved watching the video and got very excited to create their own fish. After painting the fish, they created the ocean scene where their fish could live in.

Grade 3 & 4 - Ceramic Pot

Grade 3 & 4 students made a pinch pot. Our very first ceramic project in BCC art studio!


Monday, August 6, 2012

Grade 1 & 2 - Drawing with Pre-cut Shapes

The children created playful drawings using pre-cut shapes. I provided simple shapes of square and triangle and let them explore the shapes to create a new image.

Grade 1 & 2 - Fruit & Veggie Prints

First and second graders were introduced to a very simple printmaking technique. They dipped fruits and vegetables into paint and stamped them onto paper. The kids went wild for stamping and being messy with paints. The result came out beautiful. Check out their fabulous prints, displayed on the 7th floor!

Close up photos

Monday, June 25, 2012

Inventive Images

We shared the memories of inventing images from clouds in the sky and made up a story out of the images. First, students created interesting texture background by blending paints. In the following class, they creatively invented visual images from the abstract painting.
Students were able to view their world with different perspectives and developed ability to find new images and meanings from the abstract painting. 

Kindy's Update

 Bird Drawing, Bird beak pop-up

 Fish Painting, inspired by Lucy Cousins’ Hooray for Fish

Curious looking creatures living in the imaginary island

Grade 5 Self-portrait

Fifth graders worked on the self-portraits. They observed their face features closely looking in the mirrors and studied shading technique with a 4B pencil. And then they used their favorite colors to paint the background.