Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kindergarten Update

Kindergarten students made a cool house with cardboard box together! They were so excited about the house that they would be playing with. They painted the house with white first. Next, they made flowers to decorate the house and added more details with markers. It is always great to work together as a group. They all learned how to share materials with friends and listen to others' ideas. With everyone's hard work, the house came out great!

The children named their house "Kindy's house" and created a welcoming door sign. So lovely!

They had lots of fun with this project. And I also had so much fun working with lovely Kindergarteners!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Cityscape Collage

Grade 3 students created a collage of cityscape. First, we looked at the photograph of Seoul city and discussed the shapes and colors of the cityscape. We noticed that the architecture in Seoul was composed of various geometric shapes. We also found that Seoul had monochromatic color scheme of brown and gray. Using newspapers and brown papers, students created their own cityscape based on the discussion they had in the beginning of the class. Students added details such as windows, people, and cars, using black markers.

Their works are displayed together to make up one big cityscape in the multipurpose room on the fifth floor.

Kandinsky Circle Drawing

Wassily Kandinsky | Circle Painting

Grade 1 and 2 students created abstract drawing inspired by Wassily Kandinsky's circle painting. They studied what "abstract" means with looking at Kandinsky's painting. We learned that it is an abstract piece of work because it does not depict something we immediately recognize. Students were asked to create their own abstract composition using circles. First, they worked on the composition by tracing a variety of circles. They were asked to think about placement (overlapping, touching, apart, inside) while creating their composition. Next, they added colors using construction paper crayons. Some decided to used solid color while others included pattern.

When we shared the work, we noticed that although we used the same shape and materials, each piece was unique. Beautiful work Grade 1 and 2!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Character Design

Grade 4 and 5 students were working on a Monster Unit in BCC art studio. First class in this unit, they played an "exquisite corpse" game to create very interesting and strange looking monsters. "Exquisite Corpse" game is a collaboration drawing of three people. It is a method by which a collection of images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds drawing of head, body, or leg part of a creature in sequence. This helped their brain be more creative when creating their own creature.


After finishing their creature drawing, they transferred the drawing onto a black construction paper. 
Before they colored the drawing, they did a color study using oil pastel, exploring gradation, and cross hatching two colors. They used the color study knowledge to design their creatures.

Here are the finished work by Grade 4 and 5.
Every creature has interesting features that make all of them so unique!

Students also made up a story about their characters and we shared them together. It was so much fun hearing all the stories.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Complementary Colors Organic Shape Collage

Grade 3 artists have been studying shapes and color. For this collage project, they were inspired by the work of Elizabeth Murray. We noticed that she uses many organic shapes and they often have curved and irregular sides.
American Artist, Elizabeth Murray

They also learned that the geometric shapes are simple shapes that we can easily recognize (square, triangle, and rectangle). Next, they learned about complementary colors. Complementary colors are across from each other on the color wheel. They noticed when two complementary colors are next to each other, they stand out. Students were asked to create organic shapes out of construction paper first. Once they had their shape, they used the complementary color to create patterns on top with collage.

Their finished pieces came out wonderfully and they are displayed in the hallway on the third floor.